
maple glazed ham recipe Lévesque

A tradition of excellence for over 50 years

Levesque was founded in 1966 and quickly made a name for itself through the originality and quality of its products. The company was acquired in 2015 by Mr. Éric Riendeau.

Our company is recognized for the processing and marketing of quality ham products. We also owe our commercial success to the excellence of our staff and their determination to provide top customer service.

Hams produced by Levesque are found today in the meat departments of Canada’s major supermarket groups as well as in the United States and South America.

A commitment to quality

All Levesque products meet the highest quality standards.

The company has earned HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) certification, ensuring that all key steps in the production process, from receiving raw ingredients to shipping finished products, meet the control and quality standards set by the Canadian Food Inspection
Agency (CFIA).

The rigour of our control systems and our production standards enable us to guarantee the unvarying quality of
our products.

Une division de

500 rue Beaumont

Montréal, Qc

Canada H3N 1T7



500 rue Beaumont

Montréal, Qc

Canada H3N 1T7


Une division de
Une division de

500 rue Beaumont

Montréal, Qc

Canada H3N 1T7